January Wrap-Up

I’ve said in my last few blog posts that I was going to try and post every week, but it hasn’t gone well so far! I’ve only written two posts this year, but I’m determined to get back to blogging. I know that we’re nearly half way through February (can you believe that?!), but I still thought I’d write up my January wrap-up. I managed to read 7 books, which means I’m ahead of my Goodreads goal, which is to read 50 books in 2017.The majority of the books I read were re-reads, and most were for uni, but the other books that I read I really enjoyed. I would have liked to have read a few more books that weren’t for uni, but I just didn’t have the time.

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Top 10 Books of 2016

I know most people have already done their top books of 2016, and I was planning on doing mine within the first week of January, but I didn’t get around to it because of my uni work. But I still really wanted to share the top 10 books that I read in 2016. I read 60 books in 2016, and whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the majority of them, these are the ten that I enjoyed the most. I didn’t give all of these books 5 stars, but all of these books have stuck with me. I’ve listed the 4* books first, and then the 5*, but otherwise they aren’t in any particular order. Continue reading

September Wrap-Up

September was another great reading month for me! Even though I didn’t read all of the books that I was hoping to get too, I did read quite a lot. I read seven books this month, two of them being for uni, and nearly all of them were four or five stars. I also read quite a mixed bag; some poetry, some fiction, some non-fiction, and a play, and so I’m really looking forward to recommending a few different things to you 🙂

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A Change in TBR’s and Update

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been publishing that many blog posts over the last few weeks. The main reason for this is because I’ve recently moved to uni, so I’ve been focusing on settling in and getting myself organised, as I actually started my course this week.

Also, my reading has definitely slowed down a little, which obviously isn’t ideal when you’re writing a book blog! As I said, I’ve been fairly busy recently, so I haven’t been reading as much as I would like, and since I am studying English Lit at uni, I’m doing a fair bit of reading for my modules, so I don’t want to put any pressure on myself to read too much outside of my uni reading. I’m still obviously going to try and read my own books as much as I can, and I definitely want to continue with my blog, but I think there will be a few changes, starting with my TBR’s.

I’ve posted monthly TBR’s since I started my blog, and whilst I really enjoy choosing what books I want to read in a month, I don’t want to be too over-ambitious by setting myself monthly “reading lists”; I’ll have enough of them for my modules! So I think instead of monthly TBR’s, I’m going to post more general ones, such as an Autumn TBR, or a Christmas Holidays TBR; I think they won’t be as pressurising and more realistic.

In terms of the books I’ll be reading for uni, I’m not sure how much I’ll include them in my blog. I think I’ll definitely include them in my wrap-up’s, but I’m not sure whether I’ll write reviews on them, as I’ll obviously be writing about them in detail for my essays etc., and I don’t want my blog to feel like work.

That being said, I read Oedipus the King this week, and I really enjoyed it, and I’m thinking of writing a review on it; if you think you’d be interested in reading a review on it, please let me know!

I think that’s everything I wanted to say; if any of you are trying to balance uni/school/work with writing your blogs, I’d love a few tips on how you keep up with your reading and blog posts! 🙂

What I Read at School

Since the children of the UK will have just finished their first week back at school, I thought it would be fun to share with you what I read whilst I was at school for my English lessons. Most of these books I read in secondary school, but I have included a few that I read in primary school, and even though I can’t remember everything on this list in detail, I have fond memories of my English lessons; I always looked forward to them, and a few of theses books are my favourites to this day.

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