January Wrap-Up

I’ve said in my last few blog posts that I was going to try and post every week, but it hasn’t gone well so far! I’ve only written two posts this year, but I’m determined to get back to blogging. I know that we’re nearly half way through February (can you believe that?!), but I still thought I’d write up my January wrap-up. I managed to read 7 books, which means I’m ahead of my Goodreads goal, which is to read 50 books in 2017.The majority of the books I read were re-reads, and most were for uni, but the other books that I read I really enjoyed. I would have liked to have read a few more books that weren’t for uni, but I just didn’t have the time.

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September Wrap-Up

September was another great reading month for me! Even though I didn’t read all of the books that I was hoping to get too, I did read quite a lot. I read seven books this month, two of them being for uni, and nearly all of them were four or five stars. I also read quite a mixed bag; some poetry, some fiction, some non-fiction, and a play, and so I’m really looking forward to recommending a few different things to you 🙂

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What I Read at School

Since the children of the UK will have just finished their first week back at school, I thought it would be fun to share with you what I read whilst I was at school for my English lessons. Most of these books I read in secondary school, but I have included a few that I read in primary school, and even though I can’t remember everything on this list in detail, I have fond memories of my English lessons; I always looked forward to them, and a few of theses books are my favourites to this day.

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