Christmas Book Haul


Over the past two months or so, I decided to take a break from my blog.I started studying English Literature at Uni back in September,  and I found my blog became a bit like work. Bug after taking a break from writing posts, I found myself missing it. So I’m back! 🙂

As I’ve been away for a while, I wanted to do a post other than a review or a wrap-up, which I normally do. So I thought I’d share with you the books I got for Christmas. Most of these books I asked for, but a few of them were surprises.

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Birthday Book Haul

I turned 19 on the 5th of July, and even though I only got two books as gifts, I thought I’d still post a birthday book haul, as I did order myself a few books that arrived the week of my birthday. I’ll leave book depository links to the books mentioned, as that’s where I bought them, and where I buy most of my books from, but this is not a sponsored post, nor am I a book depository affiliate.

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